Ergo Baby
Can be worn front or back
Works for infants
Handy head strap so babies' noggins down bounce if they fall asleep
No barrier between your body and the baby's creates lots of shared sweat
Requires delicate maneuvering to put on without help
Kelty Kids Backcountry
Very sturdy
Five-point harness and seat makes it easy to load for one person (baby stays secure while lifting)
Detachable day pack
Great adjustable straps
Carried a five year old once after a fall
Kelty has replaced all broken buckles at no charge (even considering we are not the original owners)
A wide spread really pulls your center of gravity backwards
So sturdy it temps you to leave your child in it unattended. Don't.
Tough Traveler Colt
Totally rad website!
Lightweight and compact
Handy pocket (always have a backup diaper)
Easy to load for one person
The bar that cuts across the top of your back (no bueno)
Not the best straps
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